
Today, we’re revamping a tactic we believe will be a key to winning elections this year and breaking through to the voters we need to win in 2024 and restore our trifecta.

If you’re not familiar with it, Neighbor2Neighbor is a program Indivisible developed to make canvassing easier and more accessible. Face-to-face conversations are one of the most effective ways to turn out the vote, but we also know traditional canvassing doesn’t work for everyone.

For first-time volunteers (and introverts, too!), knocking on dozens of strangers’ doors can be intimidating. Others just don’t have time to get to a field office and commit to a two-hour canvassing shift. And some people live in areas without opportunities to participate in traditional canvassing.

Neighbor2Neighbor is our attempt to solve these problems, and it can be used across our programs for multiple purposes. The way it works for turning out the vote is simple: Once someone signs up, we send them a list of five likely progressives in their area, a short script and best practices, and an optional printout to leave if they’re not home. Volunteers canvass when they have the time and in many cases they’re reaching neighbors they already know.

And it’s as effective as it is simple. After launching a pilot program in the 2022 midterms, we analyzed the program’s impact, and the results were huge: Neighbor2Neighbor increased voter turnout by 1.2 percentage points — making it our most effective GOTV tool in 2022. In an era of close races, 1.2 points can make all the difference in an election.

That’s why we’ve launched Neighbor2Neighbor in multiple states with critical upcoming elections, and we’re reaching out to ask you to support this GOTV program. We know Neighbor2Neighbor can drive higher engagement, but it also requires more resources to scale up and continue developing. If you’re able to, click here to pitch in so we can keep providing the best GOTV tactics we have to power progressive wins this November.

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Neighbor2Neighbor will have a big impact on our GOTV efforts this fall, but we’re also thinking ahead to 2024. With next year’s election already shaping up to be an incredibly close race for the White House, House, and Senate, we are constantly looking for ways to make our GOTV tools and tactics more effective and easier to use for our volunteers.

Each time we launch Neighbor2Neighbor for GOTV — from the 2022 midterms to the Wisconsin Supreme Court election last April and now crucial state elections this November — we get an opportunity to test-run new features and gather feedback from volunteers, group leaders, and organizers.

Past campaigns have helped us identify areas we can improve, from the signup process to how we build contact lists and our system for collecting responses at the door. And this tactic has applications beyond voter mobilization to include educational canvassing and disinformation disruption (more on that later this week!).

We’re looking forward to hearing back from Indivisibles who use Neighbor2Neighbor in this fall’s election, and we’re excited to continue building a tool that’s proven to be effective and popular with our volunteers. But we also know that it takes time and resources to create, test, deploy, and scale up new tactics and integrate them in GOTV programs and strategies. So, we’re counting on our grassroots supporters to help fund our work to build these winning voter turnout systems.